PRIVACY ART. 13 D.LGS. 196/2003

Fisa, according and for effects of art. 13 d.lgs. 196/2003 ( the code about private data protection) and with reference to the private data will obtain, inform you as follows:  

All the data will be treat for aims connected to low or book-keeping duties. We inform moreover that the neglect of the communication or a wrong communication of one of the compulsory information, can cause the impossibility to guarantee the suitable treatment. According therefore of the d. lgs. 196/2003, the client declare to have received the privacy informative and supplies his permission to treat his private data, also to satisfy market and statistic enquiries and promotion activities.  

The details could be treat as follows: processing data collected by third persons data treatment through electronic computer entrusting third persons to the information processing. Manual treatment through paper data files Every treatment takes place respecting art. 11, 31 and next of Privacy code and through the adoption of the minimal security measures established by disciplinary regulations.  

The data will be kept by our company and will be communicate exclusively to people concerned to fulfil the necessary services and a correct business relationship. The data will be treat exclusively by authorised employers  The data could be communicate to third people, especially to: consultant and self employed banks and credit institution  

The treatment's owner, according to the law, is Fisa s.r.l. - Via G.De Simon, 6 - 33010 Rivoli di Osoppo (UD) - Italy - Tel. +39 0432 986071 - Fax +39 0432 986086

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